Wednesday, August 13, 2014

PhD / PostDoc Position in Invasion Ecology

PhD / PostDoc Position in Invasion Ecology
open until filled

The GEOMAR Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean Research Kiel offers a position for
an early stage researcher (PhD/PostDoc) interested in studying adaptation
of non-indigenous species to different salinities.

The position will be within the project “Do Ponto-Caspian species
have inherent advantages over Northern European or Great Lakes-St.
Lawrence River species in colonizing new areas?” funded by the
Alexander von Humboldt Sofja Kovalevskaja Award. The overarching goal
of the project is to determine if species evolved in particular regions
have inherent advantages over other species in colonizing new areas,
and are those species capable to adapt to and invade habitats with
different salinities than their populations are coming from.

The successful candidate will conduct molecular genetic study
on phylogenetically close species with and without invasion record
native to Northern Europe, Great Lakes and Ponto-Caspian region whose
populations naturally occur in different salinities to determine
historical transitions from marine to brackish and freshwater habitats
and vice versa. He/she will deduce if evolutionary transition of species
to different salinities went in both directions (i.e., from marine to
freshwater and from freshwater to marine habitats). Finally, he/she
will determine if salinity transitions are more common for species with
invasion record than for species without invasion record, and if they
are more common for Ponto-Caspian than for Northern Europe or Great
Lakes’ species.

We are looking for an enthusiastic individual ideally with
experience in molecular ecology, molecular genetic techniques and/or
invasion ecology. Any experience with next generation sequencing
is advantageous. Funding is available for 3 years. The anticipated
starting date is 01. October 2014, however, the position remains open
until a suitable candidate is found. Applicants must hold an MSc/PhD
related to biological sciences, preferentially with a focus on molecular,
quantitative and/or population genetics. Candidates should be willing to
participate in extensive sampling in the Northern Europe, Great Lakes
and Ponto-Caspian regions, have good organization skills, and be able
to work independently and develop own scientific concepts. Excellent
English communication skills are a prerequisite.

The salary is according to the class 13 TVöD of the German tariffs for
public employees (65% PhD student; 100% postdoc).

The GEOMAR Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean Research Kiel seeks to increase
the proportion of female scientists and therefore women are especially
encouraged to apply. GEOMAR Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean Research
Kiel also supports the employment of disabled persons. Persons with
disabilities with appropriate qualifications and aptitudes will be
employed preferentially.

Applications including research interests, a current CV, and contact
details of 3 referees should be sent to the following address using the
keyword “Sofja Kovalevskaja Two”:

GEOMAR Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

Personalabteilung/ Frau Frauke

Kennwort “Sofja Kovalevskaja Two”

Wischhofstraße 1-3

D-24148 Kiel


For further information, please contact Dr. Elizabeta Briski

For general information on research at the GEOMAR Helmholtz-Centre for
Ocean Research Kiel, see

Elizabeta Briski 

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