Wednesday, August 13, 2014

PhD position in Evolution and Ecology

PhD position in Evolution and Ecology

Pay grade 13 TV�D (65% of standard working hours), 18 + 18 months
fixed-term contract

start date: as soon as possible

Job description: Alongside sexual reproduction and multicellularity,
eusociality is considered one of the major transitions in
evolution. Outside of Hymenoptera, advanced eusociality has evolved in
one other major insect group: the termites. A fundamental trait shared
between termites and hymenopteran societies is social immunity, but its
evolution and mechanistic basis remains poorly understood. This project
aims to use state-of-the-art molecular methods within a comparative
experimental framework to address the evolution and ecology of socially
mediated immunity in termites. The project will focus on understanding
the role of sociality in host-parasite interactions. In particular, the
candidate will apply life-history theory to understand how behavioural
and physiological host responses vary across species, and how ecology
and caste shape individual and social immunity.

Position description: We are seeking an ambitious person to contribute
to the development of a new research group in evolution and ecology of
insects. Our focus is on fundamental questions in host-parasite dynamics,
but applied elements (e.g. pest control) may also be possible within this
framework. The selected candidate will have opportunities to attend taught
courses at the Free University of Berlin. The successful candidate will
register for a PhD at Free University of Berlin and will need to meet
the language requirements for a research degree.

Profile requirements: The candidate should have a good Masters degree in
Biology covering basic knowledge in evolution and ecology. Experience or
interest in ecological aspects and studies of symbiotic or parasitic
interactions are important criteria in selecting the candidate. A
requirement is a willingness to work in an interdisciplinary and
international environment. Very good knowledge in English is necessary;
and knowledge of German is an advantage.

For informal enquiries about the position and potential suitability,
please contact Prof. Dr. Dino McMahon via email, including a brief CV
( or telephone (+49 30 8104-3837). BAM is
trying to increase the percentage of women in academic positions and
thus encourages suitably qualified women to apply. Suitably qualified
seriously handicapped candidates will be given preference; they need
only to meet minimum physical requirements.

Please send your formal application including a 2-page CV and up to 3-page
statement of research in English by mail, quoting reference number 128/14
- 4., at latest until August 24th 2014 to the following address:

BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
Division Z.3, reference number 128/14 - 4.
Unter den Eichen 87
12205 Berlin

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