Friday, June 27, 2014

PhD position in Evolutionary theory University of Zurich, Switzerland.

Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University
of Zurich, Switzerland.

PhD position in Evolutionary theory

The focus of our research is understanding whether or not the details of
the genetic systems underlying phenotypic variation affect the process
of adaptation and how such details may be molded by evolutionary
forces. We are particularly interested in gene multifunctionality,
or pleiotropy, and study both the adaptive consequences (constraints)
and the evolution of gene pleiotropy. The context of this project is
broad and the details will be worked out with the candidate. There is
potential for international collaborations.

Possible topics are:
- co-evolution of gene pleiotropy and gene expression,
- evolution of the genotype-phenotype map of complex traits,
- impact of genetic constraints on the evolution of species' ranges
  under shifting environments.

Required are a strong motivation to pursue a PhD in evolutionary
theory, a strong background in population or quantitative genetics, and
documented skills in modelling. The project should mix computational and
mathematical approaches. Knowledge of a programing language (esp. C/C++)
is required. The lab develops and maintains Nemo, an individual-based
simulation platform ( that will serve as
the basic computational simulation tool for the project.

General requirements are a Diploma/Master degree in a relevant
discipline. The ideal candidates will have strong oral and written
communication skills in English and the ability to work and share
ideas in a collaborative environment. Knowledge of German is not
essential but may help with everyday life. The Institute hosts two
seminar series with high-caliber international speakers and works
in close collaboration with scientists of the neighboring research
institutions (ETH, EAWAG, WSL, etc.) The PhD position is within the
Zurich Life Science Graduate School's program in Evolutionary Biology

Interested students should send their application package to The package must include, in one PDF file,
1) a cover letter expressing research interests in accordance with the
position, 2) a complete CV, including previous research experiences, and
3) reference letters of min two academic referees. Please also attach
low resolution copies of official academic transcripts and degrees (if
available), and copies of publications (including MSc thesis). Informal
enquiries are welcomed.

Dr. Frederic Guillaume
Assistant Professor
Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich
tel: +41 44 635 66 23
office: Y13-G-38

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