Thursday, September 25, 2014

Postdoktor 2 years in Comparative parasitology

Postdoktor 2 years in Comparative parasitology
The Aquatic diseases and pathogens research group has an open postdoctoral position in the LouseOff project (1.1.2015 - 31.12.2016). LouseOff is a "user controlled" Reseach counsil financed project led by PharmaQ A/S. The overall aim of the work package at IMR, lead by Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, is to identify potential antigen candidates from comparative transcriptomes from the north atlantic salmonid specific copepod parasite, Lepeophtheirus salmonis subsp. salmonis, and the related copepod parasite Caligus rogercresseyi, infecting an array of hosts including Atlantic salmon in Chilean fish farms. The work package will focus on exploring expression and evolutionary differences between the species. Candidates should have a strong background in one or more of the following fields; bioinformatics, molecular phylogentics or molecular biology. Experience with analysis of large sequence datasets (i.e. "next" generation sequencing) is required. The position involve comparative transcriptomic and evolutionary analysis and background enabling the candidate for this type of work is necessary, while additional development of new tools for quantitative evolutionary analysis will be encouraged. Good communication - and cooperative skills are valued and will be weighted. Likewise will ability to report and publish in peer reviewed journals be central elements in judging the candidates. The position will be located in Bergen, Norway. Why apply for this position at IMR in Norway? *We offer good infrastructure and an outstanding working environment. *The position involves usage (and development) of cutting edge approaches to undertand parasites in general and sea lice in particular. *The position involves close cooperation with PharmaQ giving a unique chance to combine applied and basal science. *We offer flexible working hours, a good pensioning scheme, and an array of employee welfare programmes. Salaries are determined according to national standards for a 1352 Postdoc position, starting at a minimum wage of 59 200 Euro (approx. 81 000 USD) For further information about the position please contact project scientist Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, phone: 40069007 or group leader Bj�rn Olav Kvamme,, phone: 41612076. For further information about the institute see: IMR is included in the national "IA-company" programme and is therefore dedicated to encompass all minorities to be represented in our staff. We therefore particularly encourage women and people with minority background to apply. We invite applications from candidates holding a PhD or similar degree (minimum requirement for consideration is a submitted thesis).Lists of applicants will be public. Applications must include CV, list of publications, University transcripts, recommendations and full text documents for the most relevant publications. Applications must be submitted via Application deadline: 31.10.2014 Skern Rasmus

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