Sunday, September 28, 2014

PhD positions in Human Origins

PhD positions in Human Origins

We invite applications for the Leipzig School of Human Origins, an 
international PhD program of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary 
Anthropology and the University of Leipzig.

This program provides interdisciplinary training and research 
opportunities for university graduates who wish to work towards a PhD in 
anthropology, archaeology, biology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, 
evolutionary genetics, paleoanthropology, primatology, psychology, and 
related fields. Candidates apply for one of the following disciplines of 
the program:

1) Comparative and Molecular Primatology - focusing on the evolution of 
social and cultural systems in the great apes, as well as other relevant 

2) Evolutionary and Functional Genomics, Ancient DNA, Molecular 
Anthropology and Genome Bioinformatics

a. Evolutionary Genomics, Ancient DNA - focusing on the evolutionary and 
functional genomics of humans and the great apes, as well as the 
retrieval of DNA from palaeontological remains.

b. Molecular Anthropology - focusing on the origin, relationships, 
history, and migration patterns of human populations.

c. Genome Bioinformatics - focusing on computational approaches to the 
management and analysis of gene expression data.

3) Human Paleontology, Prehistoric Archaeology and Archaeological 
Science - focusing on the study of hominid fossils and archaeological 
sites. This includes comparative morphological as well as chemical 
(isotopic) analyses.

Graduate students will be accepted to only one of these areas but will 
have the opportunity to take part in courses and seminars in all of 
them. Our PhD program is open for international students and is designed 
as a 3-year-program.

We invite applications from all countries. Applicants hold a Masters 
degree, a Diploma or equivalent in one of the above, or related, fields. 
It is not necessary to hold the degree at the point of application. 
However, you must have been awarded your degree prior to the start of 
the program in September 2015.

Candidates have to be fluent in written and spoken English. German is 
not required but international students will be offered opportunities to 
take German language courses.

PhD students are supported by fellowships which are provided either by 
the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology or the University 
of Leipzig; or have been obtained by the student.

Term of Appointment: Fall 2015
Application Deadline: December 1, 2014

Visit for information on living in Leipzig, Germany, in 
the center of Europe.

Contact Information:

Sandra Jacob
Deutscher Platz 6
Leipzig,  04103, Germany
Telephone Number: ++493413550122
Fax Number: ++493413550119
E-mail Address:

Sandra Jacob
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology /
The Leipzig School of Human Origins (Ph.D. Programme)
Deutscher Platz 6, 04103 Leipzig, GERMANY
phone: ++49 (0) 341 3550-122; fax: ++49 (0) 341 3550-119

Sandra Jacob 

An opportunity is available for a PhD student to join Tim Connallon's research group

An opportunity is available for a PhD student to join Tim Connallon�s
research group in the School of Biological Sciences at Monash University,
in Melbourne, Australia. I am seeking creative and motivated students who
wish to carry out original research in the general area of evolutionary
theory. The specific project will be developed in collaboration with the
successful candidate, and tailored to match their individual interests and
strengths. Projects can potentially involve a combination of new theory
development, and data analysis/experiments as a means to test predictions
of theoretical models.

Areas of interest in the lab largely fall within the realm of evolutionary
genetics. Some recent and ongoing work focuses on the following areas:
sexual dimorphism, the population genetics of adaptation, the maintenance
of genetic variation, sex chromosome evolution, gene duplication and gene
expression evolution, and coadaptation between cytoplasmic and nuclear
genomes. Well-motivated projects that fall outside of these areas will also
be encouraged.

A keen interest in evolutionary biology is essential. Individuals with
strong quantitative skills, and those with backgrounds in biology or
another relevant field (e.g., mathematics, physics, computer science), are
encouraged to apply. Successful candidates will be fully funded for 3.5
years, for full time research, with no teaching requirements. The annual
stipend is approximately $25,000 AUD, tax-free, and additional expenses for
research, coursework, and conference attendance will also be covered.
Individuals of all nationalities are eligible. Domestic Australian and New
Zealand candidates will be invited to apply for an Australian Postgraduate
Award (approximately $25,000 AUD), with the additional potential for a
competitive top-up scholarship (additional $5,000).

Monash University is a member of Australia�s Group of Eight
coalition, and is internationally recognized for excellence
in research and teaching. The School of Biological Sciences
( is home to
a collegial and interdisciplinary research environment, with strengths
in ecology, genetics and evolutionary biology. Monash is located in
Melbourne, one of the most liveable cities in the world and a cultural
and recreational hub.

To apply, please send a CV, academic transcript, contact details for two
academic references, and a brief outline of research interests to Informal inquiries are welcome. Applicants must
hold a Bachelor�s degree with first-class honours, or a master�s degree.
Review of applications will begin immediately, and short-listed candidates
will be contacted to set up phone/Skype interviews.

Funding is available for a PhD studentship at Aberystwyth University

Funding is available for a PhD studentship at Aberystwyth University,
Wales, UK. My lab uses aquatic ecosystems to address questions spanning
the sub-disciplines of ecology. Evolutionary topics include sexual
selection, lek mating systems, adaptive radiation and sexual size
dimorphism. Visit our lab website for information on current research

You will be free to work the topic & system of your choice. Your research
may extend or add to existing lab topics. The successful applicant will
have an outstanding academic record, and demonstrated potential/ability
to conduct creative/independent research.    Aberystwyth is located on
the beautiful and rural west coast of Wales. The Institute of Biological,
Environmental & Rural Sciences (IBERS) is one of the largest and most
diverse natural science departments in the UK. The Aquatic, Behavioural
& Evolutionary Biology (ABEB) group works on topics ranging from river
ecosystem restoration to molecular genetics.


For inquiries contact me by email:  

To apply send a single PDF document containing the following:
1. A
cover letter describing your background and career goals (up to one
2. A brief description of the research you would like to conduct
(up to one page).
3. Your CV with copies of academic transcripts and
relevant test scores.
4. The names and contact information of two
references who can speak to your promise as a researcher.

Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

Kyle A Young
Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences (IBERS)
Aberystwyth University

Kyle A Young
Phone: 01970 621633
Office: New IBERS Building 0.12

Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences (IBERS)
Aberystwyth University
Penglais, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion
SY23 3DA

"Kyle Young [kyy]" 

U Minnesota. Evolutionary Biology

The Brandvain lab at the University of Minnesota " Twin Cities is
recruiting graduate students. We are particularly interested in students
who hope to blend theory and data and to bridge micro and
macro-evolutionary  scales in aims of understanding plant diversity, and
who thrive on stretching their mathematical, statistical, and computational
skills to conduct creative and rigorous approaches to evolutionary

Students can expect to generate and analyze population genomic and
phylogenomic data sets, develop novel theoretical approaches, and interact
with a strong and diverse community of evolutionary geneticists at the
University of Minnesota, while developing an independent research program.
The University of Minnesota is an excellent place to conduct research
in plant evolutionary genetics and genomics, with numerous groups
adjacent in idea-space  (Goldberg, Cavender-Bares, Tiffin, Moeller,
McGaugh, Springer, R. Shaw, Weiblen, May, Snell-Rood, Morrell, Hirsch�)
to provide a strong, supportive, and integrative training environment. See
for faculty in Minnesota's plant bio and eeb programs, respectively).

The University of Minneapolis is located in the Twin Cities, providing
opportunities of BOTH  the big city (sports [GO LYNX!!!!!], music, culture,
food � ), and the outdoors (we're surrounded by lakes, rivers, and

Interested students should contact Yaniv ( ybrandvain At gmail DOT com )
with a CV (including research experience and outcomes, as well as a
description of relevant coursework in biology and math / stats /
computation, and gpa) and a short description of their interests and why
UMN would be a good fit for them. Yaniv will support enthusiastic students
in developing their ideas for an NSF GRFP, and in preparing their
application to the department of plant biology or ecology and evolution at
the University of Minnesota. The Brandvain lab is committed to  increasing
 diversity in our scientific community and therefore encourages
applications from diverse students with related scientific  interests.

for more information visit "

the brandvain lab website --
the UMN-pBio grad group site
& the UMN-eeb grad group site

or contact Yaniv

Thursday, September 25, 2014

A fully-funded PhD position is available at the Department of Ecology and Evolution (U Lausanne)

A fully-funded PhD position is available at the Department of Ecology 
and Evolution (U Lausanne) and the Museum of Zoology in Lausanne to 
work on the evolutionary ecology of reproductive modes in mayflies, 
co-supervised by Michel Sartori and Tanja Schwander.

Start in January 2015 or soon thereafter.

The evolution and maintenance of sexual reproduction has been one of 
the major questions in evolutionary biology for the last decades: 
although biparental sex entails many costs,  asexuality is rare among 
metazoans. The PhD candidate will assess the contribution of various 
factors to the maintenance of sex and parthenogenesis in natural 
populations of mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Facultative parthenogenesis 
is known to occur in many species, with a high level of variation: 
some species are characterized by very efficient parthenogenesis with 
high egg hatching success whereas virgin females in other species 
produce hardly any offspring. Such variation allows testing various 
costs and benefits of sexual reproduction and parthenogenesis, 
depending on different ecological contexts in a comparative framework.

We are looking for outstanding candidates with a background in 
ecology, evolutionary biology or equivalent (note that a master degree 
is required by the doctoral school to enter the PhD program). In 
addition to academic qualifications, a certain practical flair is 
necessary for surveying natural populations (field work) and possibly 
optimize/ develop rearing conditions.

Interested candidates should send a motivation letter, cv (including 
contacts for references) and diplomas as a single pdf file to no later than October 10. For additional 
information about the topic, contact or

Tanja Schwander
Department of Ecology and Evolution
University of Lausanne
Le Biophore
CH-1015 Lausanne
Office: +41 (0)21 692 4151
Secretary: +41 (0)21 692 4160
Fax: +41 (0)21 692 4165

lab website:
theme issue on reproductive system evolution:

SEEKING GRADUATE STUDENTS IN EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY to join the newly formed lab of Devin Drown in the Institute of Arctic Biology

formed lab of Devin Drown in the Institute of Arctic Biology and the 
Department of Biology and Wildlife at the University of Alaska 
Fairbanks. My lab’s research focuses on understanding coevolutionary 
interactions with the overall goal to develop a mechanistic 
understanding by which abiotic and biotic forces drive the direction and 
rate of evolutionary change. Current research topics address: 1) 
conflict and cooperation in the cotransmission of genomes, 2) 
coevolution in spatially structured populations, and 3) adaptation to 
abiotic vs. genetic, heritable environments. We use a combination of 
mathematical modeling and molecular analysis in both field and 
laboratory settings. I am interested in building current study systems 
as well as developing new systems.

More information on current projects can be found on the lab website:

Financial support for students accepted into the department and this 
research group will be through a combination of Research Assistantships 
(RAs) and Teaching Assistantships (TAs). Interested students are also 
encouraged to apply for research fellowships, such as the National 
Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.

The University of Alaska Fairbanks is renowned for its strengths in 
wildlife, ecology, and evolutionary biology research. Fairbanks itself 
is a great place to live. Find more info online about the University 
(, the Institute of Arctic Biology 
(, and the Department of Biology and Wildlife 

Students with demonstrated lab (wet or dry) abilities, and capable of 
data analysis and writing are encouraged to apply. Interested students 
should contact Devin by email ( with: letter of 
interest, curriculum vitae including summaries of grades, and the names 
of at least two references.

Devin M. Drown, Ph.D.
Institute of Arctic Biology, Department of Biology and Wildlife
University of Alaska Fairbanks

Australian Tropical Herbarium Postdoctoral Research Fellow Ref. No. - 14210 Cairns

Australian Tropical Herbarium Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Ref. No. - 14210 Cairns

The Australian Tropical Herbarium (ATH) seeks an outstanding and highly
motivated postdoctoral researcher with expertise in plant molecular
systematics to join our dynamic research team. The appointee will
generate and analyse DNA data employing next-generation sequencing
approaches to unravel the evolutionary history of one of Australia's
iconic sun orchids, Thelymitra. The sun orchids contribute to
Australia's remarkably rich and highly endemic flora of terrestrial
orchids and represent one of the major radiations within the tribe
Diurideae. The project aims to elucidate infrageneric relationships in
Thelymitra based on next-generation sequencing approaches, to assess
the taxonomic value of key morphological characters, and to improve our
understanding of interspecific relationships in three species complexes
(T. anntennifera, T. nuda and T. venosa). Expertise in the collection
and analysis of next generation sequencing data will lead to high impact
research outcomes. The ATH offers an unrivalled specimen collection of
Australian tropical plants, full taxonomic research and field facilities
including a comprehensively equipped molecular biology laboratory,
and is situated adjacent to a range of tropical biomes including the
World Heritage listed Queensland Wet Tropics rainforests. Visit us at

Employment Type: Appointment will be full-time for a fixed term
of 2.5 years.  Salary: Academic Level A - $75,353 - $80,635 per
annum. Commencing salary will be in accordance with qualifications and
experience.  Benefits include a generous superannuation scheme with 17%
employer contributions, five weeks annual recreation leave, flexible
working arrangements and attractive options for salary packaging.

Applications close on 12 October 2014.

Applications must be lodged electronically using the online facility
located at

Dr. Katharina Schulte

CSIRO/JCU Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Australian Tropical Herbarium (CNS) &
Centre for Tropical Biodiversity and Climate Change (CTBCC)

PLEASE NOTE: new phone number
Phone: +61 (0)7 4232 1686

Sir Robert Norman Building (E2),
James Cook University, Cairns Campus, PO Box 6811,
Cairns QLD 4870

Sir Robert Norman Building (E2),
James Cook University, Cairns Campus, McGregor Road,
Smithfield Qld 4878

"Schulte, Katharina" 

Bioinformatics Scientist - 2-3 years limited term

Bioinformatics Scientist - 2-3 years limited term

Job Description
Bayer Biologics, a division of Bayer CropScience in Davis, CA, is
currently seeking to fill a Bioinformatics Scientist position within the
Biologics Informatics group.

The candidate will be responsible for:
.       Participating in a multi-disciplinary team of scientists to
        offer bioinformatics, genomics, transcriptomics and other omics
        solutions for controlling pests and diseases in plant and
        promoting plant health using microbes;
.       Proactively identifying and incorporating new algorithms and
        technology to automate the analysis of microbial genomes and to
        extend the features of existing analysis pipeline;
.       Understanding the dynamics of plant, microbe and pest/pathogen
        interaction using various omics technologies;
.       Managing next-generation sequencing (NGS) data and analyses;
.       Training research staff on the use of relevant bioinformatics
        software and tools;
.       Working with other non-bioinformatics team member in the
        Informatics group to understand their roles and to serve as
        backups as needed;
.       Communicating effectively through listening, documentations and
        presentations, especially using compelling visualization tools
        to share analysis and interpretation of data.

The candidate is required to possess the following:
.       M.S or Ph.D. or equivalent in Computational Biology,
        Bioinformatics, Genomics, Microbiology, Plant Biology or related
        field and any level of post-graduate industry and/or academic
.       Ability to handle a large data set efficiently using scripts,
        particularly in the analysis of NGS data;
.       Familiar with commercial and open-source bioinformatics tools;
.       In depth familiarity with various public genomic databases;
.       Genome assembly of microbial genomes;
.       Experiences in three or more of the following areas: comparative
        genomics, transcriptome sequencing analysis, phylogenetic
        analysis, pathway modeling and analysis, metagenomics analysis,
        and/or genome wide association studies.

Preferred Skills/Experience:
.       Experiences working in the biotech sector focusing on plant
        health and crop protection;
.       Knowledge of statistical software tools and packages;
.       Familiar with SQL and relational database, particularly
.       Fluent in Python, Perl, or other scripting languages;
.       Previous laboratory experience; 
.       Knowledge of bacterial and plant genetics;
.       Working with high performance computing clusters.

Thank you,

Matt Armstrong
Senior Recruiter

Bayer Corporation
100 Bayer Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15205-9741
Office: �(412) 778-6688
Career Site:�

Matthew Armstrong 

Postdoktor 2 years in Comparative parasitology

Postdoktor 2 years in Comparative parasitology
The Aquatic diseases and pathogens research group has an open postdoctoral position in the LouseOff project (1.1.2015 - 31.12.2016). LouseOff is a "user controlled" Reseach counsil financed project led by PharmaQ A/S. The overall aim of the work package at IMR, lead by Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, is to identify potential antigen candidates from comparative transcriptomes from the north atlantic salmonid specific copepod parasite, Lepeophtheirus salmonis subsp. salmonis, and the related copepod parasite Caligus rogercresseyi, infecting an array of hosts including Atlantic salmon in Chilean fish farms. The work package will focus on exploring expression and evolutionary differences between the species. Candidates should have a strong background in one or more of the following fields; bioinformatics, molecular phylogentics or molecular biology. Experience with analysis of large sequence datasets (i.e. "next" generation sequencing) is required. The position involve comparative transcriptomic and evolutionary analysis and background enabling the candidate for this type of work is necessary, while additional development of new tools for quantitative evolutionary analysis will be encouraged. Good communication - and cooperative skills are valued and will be weighted. Likewise will ability to report and publish in peer reviewed journals be central elements in judging the candidates. The position will be located in Bergen, Norway. Why apply for this position at IMR in Norway? *We offer good infrastructure and an outstanding working environment. *The position involves usage (and development) of cutting edge approaches to undertand parasites in general and sea lice in particular. *The position involves close cooperation with PharmaQ giving a unique chance to combine applied and basal science. *We offer flexible working hours, a good pensioning scheme, and an array of employee welfare programmes. Salaries are determined according to national standards for a 1352 Postdoc position, starting at a minimum wage of 59 200 Euro (approx. 81 000 USD) For further information about the position please contact project scientist Rasmus Skern-Mauritzen, phone: 40069007 or group leader Bj�rn Olav Kvamme,, phone: 41612076. For further information about the institute see: IMR is included in the national "IA-company" programme and is therefore dedicated to encompass all minorities to be represented in our staff. We therefore particularly encourage women and people with minority background to apply. We invite applications from candidates holding a PhD or similar degree (minimum requirement for consideration is a submitted thesis).Lists of applicants will be public. Applications must include CV, list of publications, University transcripts, recommendations and full text documents for the most relevant publications. Applications must be submitted via Application deadline: 31.10.2014 Skern Rasmus

Postdoc position in Evolutionary Ecology & Genomics of Maternal Effects University of Zurich, Switzerland

Postdoc position in Evolutionary Ecology & Genomics of Maternal Effects
University of Zurich, Switzerland

My group combines complementary approaches from behavioural and 
evolutionary ecology, ecophysiology and genomics to understand the 
evolution and evolutionary consequences of prenatal maternal effects in 
different bird system. Within this project, I have a postdoc position 
available to investigate the genetic basis of prenatal maternal 
investment using established Japanese quail selection lines for high and 
low maternal egg investment.

Goal of the project is to identify genomic regions associated with 
differential maternal investment, and to link DNA sequence and gene 
expression variation with the physiological and ecological phenotype of 
mothers from high and low investment lines to obtain an integrative 
understanding of the molecular and physiological architecture underlying 
variation in maternal reproductive strategies. Side projects based on 
the selection lines are possible and encouraged.

The ideal candidate for this project has a background in evolutionary 
biology, behavioural ecology and / or genetics, and previous experience 
with genomics and bioinformatics (or a very strong interest to learn). 
The postdoc will be based at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology and 
Environmental Studies of the University of Zurich, providing ample 
opportunities for collaborations and interactions with researchers 
working in related and complementary fields ( The 
institute is very international and the working language is English.

The position is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation for the 
duration of two years (gross salary CHF 94'000 per annum). The ideal 
starting date is early 2015.

Applications should include 1) a cover letter outlining your motivation 
to work on this project as well as relevant experience, 2) a detailed 
curriculum vitae, and 3) the contact details of three academic referees. 
Send the above as a single .pdf file to

Review of applications will start on November 1st 2014, but candidates 
will be considered until the position is filled.

For more information, feel free to contact me!

Prof. Dr. Barbara Tschirren
Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zurich   Switzerland


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

International Programmes in Germany 2015

Berlin Mathematical School - PhD Programme

International Programmes in Germany 2015