Monday, July 7, 2014

Wanted: Master's Students

Wanted:  Master's Students

Location:  Department of Life Sciences, Texas A&M University - Corpus

Project Subject:  Developing Tools to Analyze and Simulate Population
Genomic Data

Details: I'm looking for students that are quantitatively and
computationally focused and interested in population genetics and
evolution.  Ongoing projects in our lab are focused on the effects of
natural and anthropogenic selection on the evolution and adaptability of
marine populations.  Our study subjects are primarily marine invertebrates
and fish, and we have a mountain of RADseq data from the Hawaiian
Archipelago and the Gulf of Mexico.

Required Qualifications: Students must have a 3.0 GPA and must have
taken the general GRE exam.

Support:  Students would be supported by a TAship that currently pays
$1200/mo.  Out of state tuition can be waived, but in state tuition
cannot and amounts to ~$3000 per semester.

The HoBi Lab Our laboratory has
two co-PIs, myself (Chris Bird) and Derek Hogan and is located in
the Harte Research Institute .
We advocate and facilitate a collaborative and collegial lab atmosphere,
and by combining our labs, we increase the level of intellectual capital
and expertise on-hand.  The HoBi Lab presently has one PostDoc, four
PhD students and three Masters students.  We share a large genetic
laboratory and manage the Core Genomics Lab at Texas A&M University-
Corpus Christi.  Our lab is equipped with several Linux workstations
(2 x Xeon Processors, 128-256gb of ram, etc), we have a small High
Performance Computing Cluster on campus (48 nodes), and we have access
to several off campus super computers through the Texas A&M system.

If you are interested, please send me a CV, a copy of your undergraduate
transcripts (unofficial is fine), and your GRE scores.

Dr. Chris Bird
Assistant Professor

"Bird, Chris" 

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