Postdoctoral position in evolutionary genomics and speciation. P.I.: Dr. Kerry Shaw, Cornell University Research Project: A postdoctoral position is available to join an NSF-funded project in the laboratory of Kerry Shaw at Cornell University to study the evolution and genetics of traits involved in reproductive incompatibility and speciation in the Hawaiian cricket genus Laupala. Laupala species are recently diverged and ecologically and morphologically similar, but differ in traits involved in sexual isolation. Behavioral evolution involving these traits is thought to have played a large role in the rapid and extensive diversification of this genus. The genetic basis of acoustic variation will be studied using genomic approaches. A draft genome is available, and we seek to improve it as a means for identifying the genetic architecture of phenotypes involved in speciation. Requirements: The desired candidate will possess an interest in / experience with molecular tools, quantitative genetics, next gen sequencing, and associated statistical analyses (e.g. R/QTL). Bioinformatics skills (such as basic Linux knowledge, read mapping SNP calling) is desirable, and an interest in acquiring these skills is essential. Basic scripting skills (Perl, Python, Ruby) is a plus. An interest in the evolution of premating isolation is also beneficial, but no prior knowledge in this area is required. Cornell University has many labs and research groups dedicated to the study of evolution, genomics and behavior and ecology of speciation as well as bioinformatics. As such, it provides a rich academic environment for those interested in evolutionary genomics and speciation. To apply, email a statement of research interests, a curriculum vitae, and the email addresses of three references to Kerry Shaw ( At least two years of funding are available. "Kerry L. Shaw"
We should preserve biodiversity
Monday, July 28, 2014
Postdoctoral position in evolutionary genomics and speciation.
A three-year PhD studenship will be available, starting November 2014, at the University of Ferrara, Italy
A three-year PhD studenship will be available, starting November 2014, at the University of Ferrara, Italy, in the human population genetics group led by Guido Barbujani. The call will be published at the end of July, and the selection process will take place in September. The studentship, supported by funds of the European Research Council project LanGeLin, will be hosted within the Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnologies. The study subject will be the comparison of genomic and linguistic diversity in worldwide populations. The successful candidate for this fellowship should be able to work in a multidisciplinary context, should have a good background in population genetics and biostatistics, and experience with the bioinformatic analysis of genomes. Potential candidates are encouraged to contact Guido Barbujani at this address: -- Silvia Ghirotto, PhD Post-doctoral Researcher Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biotecnologie Universit� di Ferrara via Borsari 46 I-44121 Ferrara Phone: +39 0532 455951 Fax: +39 0532 249761 Silvia Ghirotto
Ph.D. students to join a newly formed research group in Fall 2015 in the Department of Psychology (Biopsychology Program Area) at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
I am looking for Ph.D. students to join my newly formed research group in Fall 2015 in the Department of Psychology (Biopsychology Program Area) at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Official start dates for these positions would be August 2015 or August 2016 but preliminary field or lab work could start as early as Spring 2015. My research group focuses on addressing questions at the interface of evolutionary ecology, behavior, and physiology in free-living mammalian species (see I am broadly interested in understanding how wild animals are affected by changes in their ecological or social environment and the behavioral and physiological mechanisms by which they adjust themselves to these altered environments. We address these questions using long-term observational data as well as performing large-scale experiments in the field. We aim to couple this field research with detailed mechanistic work from hormones to genomes. The exact objectives of the research projects are extremely flexible and will largely be determined by the student but I hope that they will overlap with the focus of my research group. I am particularly looking for students that are interested in blending field and laboratory research in free-living mammalian species and have previous experience carrying out field and/or lab research. Students that have an interest and experience in neuroscience or neurobiology are also encouraged to apply. Ph.D. students that are admitted to the Department of Psychology at the University of Michigan are fully funded for five years. This support package includes tuition (Fall & Winter), salary (including 4 years of summer salary), and medical/dental insurance (all year round including the summer). Two and half of the years are fully-funded research assistant positions (no teaching) whereas the other two and half years are funded by half-time teaching assistant positions. External or University fellowships can also reduce teaching responsibilities. Funds for research expenses will also be available. In addition to this great financial support package, Ann Arbor is a great place to live and work! Applications to the Department of Psychology ( would be due by 1 December 2014 for the Fall 2015 start date. Admitted students would participate in the Biopsychology Program Area in the Department of Psychology (see graduate curriculum here: but would also be able to take courses and participate informally in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Michigan ( If you are interested in applying for these Ph.D. positions, please send me an email ( that contains your CV, GRE test scores (if available), and a brief description outlining your research interests and also why you would be interested in joining my research group. I will then respond outlining what you can expect from me as a supervisor as well as discuss possible research projects. -Ben Dantzer Ben Dantzer, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Psychology University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA Email: Phone: 734-647-4952 Twitter: @ben_dantzer Web: Benjamin Dantzer
Thursday, July 24, 2014
PhD position in behavioral ecology at the Georg-August University
PhD position in behavioral ecology at the Georg-August University G�ttingen, Germany The Anthropology/Sociobiology department at the Georg-August University G�ttingen in collaboration with the Behavioral Ecology Unit, German Primate Center, Germany ( is offering a PhD position for 3 years in a DFG-funded project starting on 1 November 2014 (payment: 65% E13 TV-L). We seek a highly motivated Ph.D. student who will work on the link between sociality and health in wild primates. The project focuses on the interplay between social relationships, physiological stress and health in redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons). Field work will be conducted at the field station of the German Primate Center in Kirindy Forest, Western Madagascar ( The methods to be employed include behavioral observations, endocrinological as well as immunological assays, and parasitological analyses. Applicants must have a MSc degree (or equivalent) in a relevant field. Further job requirements include field experience (preferably in the tropics), the ability to work independently as well as basic French skills. Good quantitative, analytical, and English skills are also essential. Familiarity with observation techniques, ELISA, and parasitological analyses are highly desirable. This project is part of a new research unit (FOR 2136-1) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) entitled "Sociality and Health in Primates". PIs from G�ttingen, Berlin and Leipzig will combine their knowledge and skills to take up a novel collaborative research project on this topic. Successful candidates will be integrated into established PhD programs and will benefit from the family service of the University of G�ttingen and the DPZ's certification ("Beruf und Familie") for issues relating to career planning, mentoring, coaching, child care and work life balance. The University of G�ttingen is an equal opportunities employer and places particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for women. Qualified women are therefore strongly encouraged to apply. Disabled persons with equivalent aptitude will be favoured. Candidates should submit their application by e-mail as a pdf containing a cover letter, CV and the contact information of two referees. Applications received until 22 August, 2014 will be fully considered, but the position remains open until a suitable candidate has been identified. Informal inquiries are welcome and should be made to Dr. Cornelia Kraus ( until August 15) or to Dr. Claudia Fichtel ( until August 22). Please send applications to: Dr. Cornelia Kraus Department of Sociobiology/Anthropology Johann-Friedrich-Blumenbach-Institute for Zoology and Anthropology Georg-August University of G�ttingen Kellnerweg 6 D-37077 G�ttingen Germany "Kraus, Cornelia"
Kiel is seeking to fill a position within the research project "Evolution of antibiotic resistance" for a PhD student
The Department of Evolutionary Ecology and Genetics at the Zoological Institute of the University of Kiel is seeking to fill a position within the research project "Evolution of antibiotic resistance" for a PhD student (m/f) Deadline for applications: 15 August 2014. Start of position: September 2014 or soon afterwards. The position will be for three years, with possible extension. The regular weekly working hours amount to 65% of a full time position. The salary will be according to the German TV-L-13 pay scale. Description Although antibiotics have only been discovered about seventy years ago, they have saved thousands of lives and have become an almost trivial but indispensable cure for bacterial infections. However, the alarming spread of resistant bacteria is complicating even the most routine clinical interventions. Case in point are highly resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which cause almost untreatable respiratory and wound infections in the hospital, and play a driving role in cystic fibrosis. The discovery of new antibiotics may offer temporary relief from resistance, but it is slow and costly, and does not address the heart of the matter: resistance is an evolutionary response to the use of antibiotics. Our research program is aimed at investigating ways in which existing antibiotics can be intelligently used to prevent or at least slow down the evolution of resistance. The project will involve in vitro experimental evolution using Pseudomonas aeruginosa and subsequent phenotypic, genomic and functional-genetic analyses of resistant strains. The project is funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) and will be based in the Department of Evolutionary Ecology and Genetics at the University of Kiel, Northern Germany, under the supervision of Dr. Gunther Jansen and Prof. Hinrich Schulenburg ( The department provides an international and interactive atmosphere, while Kiel University and connected institutes (e.g., Max Planck Institute in Ploen) offer a stimulating research environment with a particular focus on evolutionary biology. The city of Kiel is a medium-sized pleasant town located at the coast of the Baltic Sea. It is the capital of the most Northern state of Germany, Schleswig-Holstein. It offers many opportunities for leisure activities, including theatres, an opera, the Schleswig-Holstein classical music festival, the world's largest metal festival in Wacken, sailing, surfing, cycling, and the famous festivities of the "Kieler Woche" --- one of the major sailing events in Europe. Requirements for the position: Master in biology, genetics, microbiology, biochemistry or related topic; excellent background in evolution, genetics, statistics and microbiology; knowledge of basic molecular techniques; experience with complex experimental designs; high motivation; a collaborative spirit; fluency in English. The University of Kiel strives to increase the proportion of women in research and education. It therefore encourages qualified women to apply. Women will be preferred in cases of comparable qualifications. It also explicitly welcomes applications from people with a migratory background. The University further makes an effort to employ disabled people and will prefer such candidates in case of equal qualification. Please send applications with CV, one-page statement of research interests, and two references, as a pdf-file by email to For further details and questions, you are welcome to contact me by emailDr. Gunther Jansen Fellow at Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin Wallotstra�e 19 14193 Berlin Germany Tel.: +49 30 89001 192 and Department of Evolutionary Ecology and Genetics Zoological Institute Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel Am Botanischen Garten 1-9 24118 Kiel Germany Tel.: +49 431 880 4148 Fax: +49 431 880 2403 Email: URL:
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
PhD - Primate Behavioral Endocrinology
Primate Social Evolution Dept., University of G�ttingen, Germany PhD - Primate Behavioral Endocrinology Application deadline: 31.8.2014 The Department of Primate Social Evolution ( at the Georg-August-Universit�t G�ttingen is looking to fill a PhD position with 50% of the regular working hours (currently 19.9 hours per week) with a limited contract of 1 year with a possible extension for another 2 years. This position should be filled by approximately 01.02.2015. Salary: Pay grade 13 TV-L. Your duties We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to work on the links between social interactions, social relationships and stress physiology in wild Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis). The project will combine behavioral observations with non-invasive hormone analysis and will be part of the Assamese macaque project at Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand ( Your profile Applicants should have a Master's degree (or equivalent) in a relevant field and should be familiar with topics of behavioral ecology and behavioral endocrinology. Previous field experience is mandatory. The applicant will spend approximately 15 months in the field and thus should be physically fit, emotionally mature, able to integrate into an international team of diverse cultural backgrounds, be able to work independently and to spend long hours alone in a dense forest. Excellent English skills are essential as is the willingness to learn basic Thai. The PhD student will be enrolled in a graduate program of the University of G�ttingen, e.g. Behavior and Cognition ( The University of G�ttingen is an equal opportunities employer and places particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for women. Qualified women are therefore strongly encouraged to apply as they are underrepresented in this field. Disabled persons with equivalent aptitude will be favored. Please send your application with the usual documents incl. names and addresses of 2 referees in electronic form by August 31st 2014 to Prof. Julia Ostner, CRC Evolution of Social Behavior, Primate Social Evolution, email: "Ostner, Julia"
Friday, July 18, 2014
Online application instructions for Predoctoral or Doctoral Students
Make sure to read the detailed selection procedure and admission requirements that are described on thewebsite of the Doctoral School. Candidates for the (pre)doctoral programme must have contacted their future promoter before submitting the application form!
Step 1: Request and Activate your Guest Account
Step 2: Download the Application Form
Step 3: Submitting the Application Form
Step 4: Payment of application fee
Step 5: Upload of attachments
Step 6: Mailing the certified copies
Step 7: Follow-up of your file
Step 8: Acceptance of admission offer
Step 9: Pre-registration
Step 10: Arrival in Leuven
that the application documents sent in hard copy cannot be returned to the applicant.
Applicants for predoctoral and doctoral programmes, who will finance their studies by themselves (self-supporting), may apply at any time. There are no application deadlines for self-supporting predoctoral and doctoral applicants.
Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics
*Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics* *Evolution & Biological Diversity Laboratory, University of Toulouse, France.* *"The quantitative genetic architecture of adaptation in a wild plant population"* Research Grant Holder: Benoit Pujol (CNRS) This is a 23 months research project funded by the University of Toulouse Excellence Initiative Projects (IDEX UNITI). Note that the initial appointment would be for one year, it would be renewable upto 11 further months. The position can start as early as mid November 2014. The monthly salary is approximately 2000 euros and includes social security (French public welfare system). French is not mandatory. The successful candidate will assist with the evolutionary quantitative genetics analysis of a wild population of Snapdragon plants (/Antirrhinum majus/) in Southern France. The aim of this project is to evaluate the adaptive potential of this fragmented population which is surveyed since 2010 (5 year data set;/n/~2000 plants). This project will produce a rigorous framework for evaluating the contribution of environmental and genetic factors to the fitness of plants in the wild. A suite of microsatellite markers will be used to deduce the relationships of individuals in the population (Additional genotyping will be carried out by technical staff in Toulouse and is therefore not a requirement of the postdoc). There will be scope for collaboration on other projects underway in the group. The postdoc will participate to field work. This project offer opportunities for further international collaborations, high profile publications and career development. Candidates should have completed, or be about to complete a PhD in quantitative genetics and/or evolutionary ecology and ideally have experience in pedigree reconstruction and advanced statistical methods for the quantitative genetics analysis of wild populations. Closing date for application (CV + letter): 1^st of September. Interviews will take place during the first two weeks of September (Voice over IP service or phone are OK). Informal inquiries should be directed for particulars about the research lab and current focus of work being conducted in it, see Benoit Pujol's website at *Benoit PUJOL* French CNRS researcher CNRS Research Network Manager - Quantitative genetics in the wild Lab. Evolution & Diversit� Biologique (EDB) Office 22, Bat. 4R1, Universit� de Toulouse Paul Sabatier, 118 Route de Narbonne 31062 Toulouse Cedex 09 Tel: 0033(0)561 558 545 Mail:
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Postdoctoral position in NGS population genomics
Postdoctoral position in NGS population genomics University of Vigo, Spain DESCRIPTION: A postdoctoral position is available to work on an ongoing research project on the evolution of marine snails in the Cape Verde archipelago, in David Posada's lab at the University of Vigo, Spain ( The appointment will start as soon as October 2014 and will end no sooner than December 2015. Gross annual salary including benefits will be 25,000-30,000 Euros, commensurate with experience. Starting date is negotiable. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Candidates should have a doctoral degree in Science, advanced programming skills and demonstrable experience with NGS data analysis. DESIRABLE REQUIREMENTS: Background in population and/or evolutionary genomics, and statistical skills. APPLICATION: Please send a single pdf including a letter of interest, C.V., and the names and contact details of two referees to, indicating ��postdoc conus application�� in the subject of the email. Questions and requests for additional information should be directed to the same email address. Review of applications will begin immediately, and continue until the position is filled. David Posada Facultad de Biolog��a Campus Universitario Universidad de Vigo 36310 Vigo Spain Phone: +34 986 812038 Cell: +34 647 343300 Fax: +34 986 812556 Email: Web:
PhD student position in Whole-genome sequencing and genotyping of non-model Eukaryotes for evolutionary biology
* Project description New generation sequencing technologies offer exciting new prospects for studying evolution, but also create great challenges related to the large amount of sequence data to be analysed in a single project. We seek a PhD candidate that will work on developing software pipelines for whole genome sequencing and analyse genomic variation for non model organisms, for several evolutionary biology projects. The projects involved concern (1) investigating adaptation of an herbivorous insect to its host plant at the genomic level, (2) inferring demographic history of various plant species from genomic variation, and (3) identification of candidate sex pheromones from transcriptome sequencing. * Promotor information The student will work at the Interuniversity Institute of Bioinformatics in Brussels (IB)2 (, located on the campus of the Universit�� Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), and will enrol at both ULB, with promotor Patrick Mardulyn ( and Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), with promotor Tom Lenaerts ( Other co-promotors will supervise specific aspects of the research: Olivier Hardy (ULB,, Ludwig Triest (VUB,, Guillaume Smits (ULB,, and Franky Bossuyt (VUB, * Student skills The ideal candidate has a Masters Degree with a strong background in bioinformatics, with good programming and statistical skills, and a good understanding of the processes that govern biological evolution. Because the PhD candidate is expected to contribute to several projects, his ability to communicate and collaborate with others is essential. In general, the (IB)2 is a highly collaborative environment, and good interpersonal skills and an open attitude are expected. The candidate should also be fluent in English, the main language of the institute. Note that some language requirements (related to knowledge of english or dutch) have to be fulfilled for enrolment at the VUB ( * Important note We can only guarantee one year of funding; prospects exist for full 4 years funding, but this will depend on the success of project grant applications and/or on personal grant applications by the candidate. Full support will be provided by the promotors to succeed with these personal grant applications. * Interested? Please send a CV, letter of motivation, and contact information of two references to Patrick Mardulyn ( Further enquiries about the position can be directed to the same address. The candidate is expected to start 1st October 2014 and the position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is found. Patrick Mardulyn Evolutionary Biology and ecology, CP 160/12 Free University of Brussels (ULB) av. FD Roosevelt 50 1050 Brussels Belgium Phone: (32)(2)6502649 Fax: (32)(2)6502445 e-mail: homepage: lab website: Patrick
The AEWA Small Grants Fund (SGF)
About the CMS Small Grants Programme

Planning community based conservation for the Cross River Gorilla
What is the CMS SGP?
The CMS Small Grants Programme (SGP) was established in 1994 by the Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties as a grassroots tool that has served as a catalyst for further action to conserve migratory species and their habitats, funding projects in more than 30 countries since its inception.The SGP has played an important role in strengthening the implementation of the Convention through supporting CMS conservation initiatives for a number of migratory taxa, with a strong focus on implementation in developing countries.
Governmental institutions, non-governmental organizations, communities, conservationists and researchers engaged in the conservation of migratory species may submit proposals. Projects should contribute to the implementation of the Convention and focus on migratory species. Project duration should not exceed two years and applications must be endorsed by the national CMS Focal Point(s) of those eligible countries where activities are taking place. The implementing agency must have a bank account that can receive international payments.
Measuring turtle tracks to identify nesting species
- Be a Contracting Party to CMS;
- Be below 0.200 in the UN Scale of Assessment;
- Be not more than three years in arrears with the payment of its assessed contributions to the budget of the Convention by the deadline for submission of proposals.
How to apply
Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the revised guidelines for the operation of the SGP, as endorsed by the 10th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (UNEP/CMS/Conf.10.43).A Guide for Applicants prepared for the 2013 call for proposals is available below. The Guide provides assistance in preparing and submitting applications.
The Application Package, also available below, contains all the forms that need to be completed and submitted.
Project selection
Projects under the SGP are evaluated and ranked by the CMS Scientific Council and the UNEP/CMS Secretariat according to the guidelines devised for the operation of the Programme (see the Information Documents below). Projects are evaluated using a specific SGP Assessment Form, which applicants may wish to consult.Amongst high-scoring projects priority is given to those with secured co-funding, as well as to those requiring urgent conservation action. In terms of species, priority is given in the following order: species on Appendix I and listed for Concerted Action, other species on Appendix I, species on Appendix II and in exceptional circumstances other migratory species.
Support the CMS Small Grants Programme!
The SGP is not included in the core budget of the Convention and is therefore critically dependent on voluntary contributions. Financial support for the Programme is strongly encouraged by the Secretariat to ensure the sustainability of this cost-effective mechanism targeting conservation action where it is most needed.For more information contact Marco Barbieri, Scientific Adviser ( at the UNEP/CMS Secretariat.
Other comparable programmes within the CMS Family
Several instruments established under the Convention have developed their own project support mechanisms and programmes.The Meeting of the Parties to ACCOBAMS established at its First Session (MOP1, Monaco, 2002) a Supplementary Conservation Fund (SCF) supported through voluntary contributions from Parties and other sources, with a view to increasing the funds available for research projects, monitoring and training related to the conservation of cetaceans. The SCF became operational at MOP2 (Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2004) and, since then, has played a significant role in supporting ACCOBAMS conservation initiatives in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. For more information, see
The AEWA Small Grants Fund initially established through Resolution 1.7 of the 1st Meeting of the Parties to AEWA (MOP1), aims at promoting and supporting the implementation of AEWA in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Since its launch, the Fund has benefited both governmental and non-governmental organizations carrying out a wide range of conservation activities. It has so far focused exclusively on the African region. For more information, see [LINK].
Since 2008, the ASCOBANS Secretariat has been regularly able to support research and conservation projects. For more information, see [LINK].
The EUROBATS Projects Initiative (EPI) was launched in 2008 to provide funding for small- to medium-sized conservation projects relating to bats. Since then, it has attracted a significant number of project proposals as well as additional voluntary contributions for its operation. For more information, see
The Paris Saclay BASC LABEX offers a doctorate fellowship in environmental
The Paris Saclay BASC LABEX offers a doctorate fellowship in environmental demogenetics Place: CNRS LEGS Gif-sur-Yvette, France Laboratory: DEEIT, activities in collaboration with other labs of BASC labex. Director: Stéphane DUPAS Profile Master in evolutionary ecology, bioinformatics or biostatistics and training in statistical inference, preferably in a Bayesian framework and in random walks or Markov chains. Deadline for application: August 15th 2014 Description The development of new sequencing technologies brings markers for the analysis of spatial dynamics of species. This large data can allow to improve significantly models of species response to environmental changes. Current model used, based on niche theory are inferred from correlation between environmental variables and species occurrences. They do not account for migration and adaptive abilities of species, which can affect the responses. Genes are markers of migration and adaptations. Inferring models of biodiversity dynamics from genomic data constitutes therefore a new challenge for population biology and ecology. There is however no tool or statistical theory that integrate in a single model of inference the stochastic (neutral model) and deterministic (niche model) processes determining these distributions to link spatial genetic data to environmental and connectivity variables related to geography, climate or socioecosystem. In the flagship project aiming to understand and improve adaptive abilities of socioecosystems, the labex Biodiversity, Agriculture, Society, Climate (BASC) of Paris- Saclay, wishes to train a doctorate in the area of integrative modeling from gene to socioecosystem. The stochastic model is an extension from on circuit theory model[1]. Inferred parameters concern both mechanisms of connectivity and response to environment. The task will consist in taking charge in collaboration of the development of an inference tool of environmental demogenetic models and to exploit several data sets. The project has three stages. I – Finalization of the development of an inference tool assuming a non changing environment. And valorization of the tool on several genetic – environmental data sets on BASC insect, plant and plant pathogens datasets. II – The development of an inference tool that takes into account spatial heterogeneity. III – The construction of scenario for species response to environmental changes and the evaluation of ecosystem services or disservices provided by some practices or country planning, bsed on the software SIMADAPT[2]. Contact Three years fellowship will start in September 2014. Send CV and cover letters before august 15th to et For more information on the specific researches to be held, please contact Stéphane Dupas, Phone : +33 1 69 82 37 25, References [1] Dupas S, Le Ru B, Branca a et al. (2014) Phylogeography in continuous space: coupling species distribution models and circuit theory to assess the effect of contiguous migration at different climatic periods on genetic differentiation in Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Molecular ecology, 33, 1–13. [2] Rebaudo F, Le Rouzic A, Dupas S et al. (2013) SimAdapt: an individual- based genetic model for simulating landscape management impacts on populations (M Spencer, Ed,). Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4, 595–600. Stephane DUPAS
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Advertisement of vacancy
Advertisement of vacancy The Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) in Berlin is Germany’s premier wildlife research institute, one of eight research institutes in the Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V., a member of the Leibniz Association and jointly funded by the German federal and state governments. The IZW focuses on the life histories and mechanisms of evolutionary adaptations of mammals, their limits and their conservation in natural and anthropogenically influenced environments. The institute operates within the fields of wildlife health and diseases, reproductive biology and medicine, and evolutionary ecology and genetics. The Department of Wildlife Diseases offers (beginning 1st September 2014) a PhD-Position on “Measuring immunogenetic diversity during the Pleistocene”(Reference number 20/2014) This project will utilize novel next generation sequencing approaches to characterize the evolution of immunogenetic loci over a ca. 50,000 year time span in species with contrasting demographic histories (extinct woolly mammoths and muskoxen). We expect to determine the rate of evolution, persistence and replacement of Toll-Like Receptor (TLR) and Major Histocompatibility locus (MHC) alleles for both species which will provide a better understanding of the evolutionary dynamics of the loci that cannot be obtained from examination of modern DNA. Specific tasks include - Development of hybridization capture assays coupled with next generation sequencing for the MHC and TLRs - Bioinformatic and evolutionary genetic analysis of generated data - Logistical coordination of work between Canada, Denmark and Germany Requirements - Diploma or Master of Science in Biology or related fields; - Strong background in evolutionary biology and phylogenetics; - Preference will be given to candidates with ancient DNA or forensic DNA experience; - Preference will also be given to candidates with next generation sequencing experience; - A background in statistics and bioinformatics would be advantageous; - Organizational skills and ability to work in a team; - Part of the project will take place in Canada. Thus, proficiency in English (speaking and writing) is required The position is initially limited to two years, beginning September 1, 2014, with the possibility for extension to a maximum of three years. Salary takes place according to TVöD (65%). The IZW is determined to increase the proportion of women in successful scientific careers and particularly encourages female scientists to apply. For further information please contact Prof. Alex Greenwood (e-mail Applicants should submit a letter explaining their interests in and particular skills for this position, a CV, copies of relevant degrees and contact details of two people who can provide a reference, as one single PDF-file before July 11th , 2014. Applications should be sent to: Leibniz-Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschung im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V., Personalabteilung, Frau Stephanie Vollberg, (, Postfach 70 04 30, 10324 Berlin, Best wishes Stephanie Stephanie Vollberg Personal IZW Tel. 030- 5168 107 Fax. 030-5126 104 "Vollberg, Stephanie"
PhD in Marseilles-France, marine population genetics/metabarcoding
topic : URGENT PhD in Marseilles-France, marine population genetics/metabarcoding We seek a highly motivated and well ranked PhD student to study the biodiversity of (marine) coralligenous habitats, at both the community and intraspecific levels, from data that will be mostly obtained using genetic tools including Next-Generation Sequencing, and analyzed taking into account ecological factors and marine currents (at both the local and Mediterranean scales). The scientific interest relies in comparing diversity at the community level, assessed by metabarcoding and compared with traditional taxonomical methods, and diversity at the intraspecific level (population genetics or genomics), providing ways of testing hypotheses such as the neutral biodiversity one, for instance. The ��implicated goal�� is to gain knowledge on these habitats, which provide important services and are very species rich, in order to propose new, efficient and cost-effective indicators of their ecological status, based on intra-specific and/or inter-specific diversity (to be tested). The team working on this topic, financed by two European projects is locally composed of a post-doctoral fellow (starting in autumn 2014), a PhD student on coralligenous Socio-ecosystem (starting autumn 2014) and an engineer to help with meta-barcoding (to be hired before the end of 2014), a last-year PhD student (diving, ecology, indicators), and several permanent researchers plus the diving team. More details are available at: send applications and questions to Anne Chenuil Anne CHENUIL Email:UMR 7263 (CNRS) - IMBE Institut M��diterran��en de Biodiversit�� et d'Ecologie Marine et continentale (IMBE) (Aix-Marseille Universit��) Station Marine d'Endoume Chemin de la Batterie des Lions 13007 MARSEILLE Tel.: +33 (0)4 91 04 16 17 Fax: +33 (0)4 91 04 16 35 Anne Chenuil
Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Environmental Engineering
At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Section of Biology and Environmental Science a PhD stipend is available within the general study programme Biotechnology. The stipend is open for appointment from 1 September 2014. Job description The interplay between the genotype and the environment governs the phenotype and ultimately the success of populations and species. The aim of the PhD study is to increase our understanding of interactions between the genotype and the environment. Populations of Drosophila and other arthropod model organisms will be investigated under a range of ecologically relevant benign and stressful environmental conditions and their functional and molecular phenotypes, as well genotypes, will be assessed to pinpoint causes and consequences of genotype by environment interactions. A special case of genotype by environment interactions, namely interactions between inbreeding and the environment, in small populations with high rates of inbreeding and genetic drift may have special focus in the proposed project. Results are expected to deepen our understanding of complex associations between genotypes and environments and thus provide answers to pressing questions in conservation and evolutionary biology. The PhD project is part of a larger project financed trhough a Sapere Aude grant from the Danish Research Council. Applicants for this PhD position should hold a Master's Degree (or equivalent) in Biology, Biotechnology or similar, and have a strong interest in experimental as well as analytical work. Excellent skills in oral and written English are required. The candidate must submit the application including CV, list of publications (if available), official examination certificates and one or more recommendation letters. You may obtain further information from Professor MSO Torsten Nygaard Kristensen, phone: (+45) 6146 3375 email: concerning the scientific aspects of the stipend. Please also visit this homepage for more information: Kind regards Torsten Torsten Nygaard Kristensen Biology and Environmental Science Phone: (+45) 61463375 | Email: | Web: Aalborg University | Sohngaardsholmsvej 57 | Aalborg I Denmark Torsten Nygård Kristensen
Postdoctoral Position in Mathematical Modeling of Microbial Evolution
*Postdoctoral Position in Mathematical Modeling of Microbial Evolution* A postdoctoral researcher position is available in the lab of Olga Zhaxybayeva at the Biological Sciences Department of Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH to study evolution of gene transfer agents via mathematical modeling. This is a 5-year project funded through the Simons Foundation program in Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems. Qualified applicant must have a Ph.D. in bioinformatics, applied mathematics, computer science, statistics, biology, microbiology, or a related field with strong interest in molecular evolution, prior research experience in computational sciences and some programming skills. The successful candidate will join a vibrant research and educational environment of Dartmouth College. Zhaxybayeva's lab uses computational approaches to study how microbes evolve and adapt to their environments. Ongoing projects fall into the following broad areas: 1) Studying impact of horizontal gene transfer on microbial populations; 2) Characterization of microbial communities; and 3) Deciphering genomic signatures of microbial adaptations. More information about Zhaxybayeva's lab is available at Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Start date is negotiable. Interested applicants should send a single PDF file containing CV, one-page statement of research interests and contact information of three referees to Olga Zhaxybayeva at Dartmouth offers competitive salary and benefits along with the opportunity to live in a picturesque rural region that offers year-round recreational activities and is located near cities of Boston, Montreal, and New York. Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer that has a strong commitment to diversity. -- Olga Zhaxybayeva, Ph.D. The Simons Foundation Investigator and Assistant Professor Department of Biological Sciences Dartmouth College 026 LSC 78 College Street Hanover, NH 03755 USA Office: (603) 646-8616 Lab: (603) 646-9397 Email: Web:
Doctoral fellowship to join us at the Centre for Functional Ecology
We are looking for candidates to apply for an FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) doctoral fellowship to join us at the Centre for Functional Ecology ( of the Department of Life Sciences of the University of Coimbra (Portugal). The successful candidate will be expected to develop his/her research within the framework of the European project ReproWeed, which will investigate evolution and adaptation of the invasive weed *Centaurea solstitialis* across broad biogeographical ranges. The research involves laboratory and field-based work and involves the interaction with an international network of collaborators from California, Chile, Argentina, Australia, Turkey and Spain. The candidate should have a good scientific background, with an interest into reproductive and evolutionary ecology of invasive weeds. A good knowledge of the English language and of ecological statistics is highly desirable. Candidates should be Portuguese, European, or permanent residents, and comply with the conditions to be a candidate for the FCT Doctoral Grants (BD; see previous year conditions at: The doctoral fellowship includes a monthly payment of 980 euros (tax-free), plus an accident insurance and a monthly contribution to the Portuguese Social Security system (full healthcare and retirement, but no unemployment benefits). The scholarship is renewable for up to four years, at the end of which the candidate is expected to defend his or her PhD. dissertation thesis. A call for fellowship applications will open during July and be open until the end of September 2014 (, but *contacts should be made before July 18, at 6pm *Greenwich time. Interested candidates should send a one page cover letter describing their research interests and experience, a CV (explicitly including average scores for B.Sc. and/or M.Sc.), and the contact information for up to two referees to Daniel Montesinos ( Informal inquiries are welcome. More information about the group and the project can be found here: Daniel Montesinos Centre for Functional Ecology DCV - FCTUC - Universidade de Coimbra Cal�ada Martim de Freitas 3000-456 Coimbra, Portugal T: (+351) 239 855 238 (ext. 139) Daniel Montesinos
Ph.D. Student position in Evolutionary (epi)genomics
Princeton University, NJ Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology vonHoldt Lab I am seeking highly motivated graduate students to join my lab, which focuses on a variety of systems to explore ways in which selection can shape traits, either through genetic or epigenetic variation. My research includes extensive genetic analysis of hybrid zones and their contributing parental species, in addition to exploring how demography impacts epigenetic variation. I'm looking for Ph.D. students that are quantitatively and computationally skilled to explore similar questions using high throughput sequencing technologies and cutting edge analytical tools. The EEB Department at Princeton is an exciting and growing community, consisting of extensive molecular and field resources with numerous collaborative projects with a variety of departments (e.g. engineering, environmental sciences, neuroscience). I ask that applicants must plan to take the GRE exam this fall. All inquiries and applications are encouraged, though competitive Quantitative GRE scores are preferred. If you are interested, please send me a CV, a statement of research interests, contact information for three references, and your GRE scores. Dr. Bridgett vonHoldt Assistant Professor "Bridgett M. vonHoldt"
Thursday, July 10, 2014
6 PhD positions or stipends in the LEAD Graduate School
6 PhD positions or stipends in the LEAD Graduate School
Job Offer Details
Job Description
The LEAD Graduate School ( on Learning, Educational Achievement and Life Course Development, funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State governments, invites applications for up to six 3-year doctoral positions or stipends as of October 2014.
Education and its outcomes being essential to the welfare of a society and its members, the goal of LEAD is to contribute relevant findings to several key questions in evidence-based education. As an integrated research and training program, LEAD aims at excellent research and academic careers for young scientists at the intersection between Empirical Educational Research and the neighboring disciplines of (1) Cognitive and Social Psychology, (2) Neuroscience and Informatics, (3) Clinical Psychology, (4) Language and Linguistics, and (5) Sociology and Economics.
LEAD PhD candidates benefit from unique opportunities:
Education and its outcomes being essential to the welfare of a society and its members, the goal of LEAD is to contribute relevant findings to several key questions in evidence-based education. As an integrated research and training program, LEAD aims at excellent research and academic careers for young scientists at the intersection between Empirical Educational Research and the neighboring disciplines of (1) Cognitive and Social Psychology, (2) Neuroscience and Informatics, (3) Clinical Psychology, (4) Language and Linguistics, and (5) Sociology and Economics.
LEAD PhD candidates benefit from unique opportunities:
- A prestigious, internationally focused and interdisciplinary PhD program within the German Excellence Initiative;
- Regular thesis discussions with peers and supervisory teams, plus retreats and lectures and workshops with renowned international guest researchers;
- Funds for the support of thesis-related research and training;
- Tailor-made training and research support from the LEADing Research Center, including lab rotations;
- LEAD support systems for families, equal opportunity, and diversity.
Applications should include a CV, degree and other certificates / transcripts showing a recent graduation or one in the nearest future, two letters of recommendation, a statement of research interest and experience, plus a motivation letter describing your interest in obtaining a PhD within LEAD. Please note that research interests contributing to answering the seven LEAD key questions and sound knowledge of empirical research methods and statistics will be of advantage for a successful application. For more information, please go to
Please send all documents in one single pdf attachment via email to the Director of the LEAD Graduate School, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Trautwein (, until May 15, 2014. Applications beyond this date are welcome and will be taken into account as further positions become available.
The University of Tübingen is an equal opportunity employer regarding professional opportunities for women and men. Equally qualified candidates with physical challenges will be given preference. Employment will be conducted by the central university administration.
Full Doctorate
Research Stay
Paid position?
36 months
36 months
Working Language
Language of the Doctoral Thesis
Requirements for Applicant
Subject Requirements (Qualification)
Successfully or nearly finished MA or MSc or equivalent degree graduates in Empirical Educational Research or one of the above-mentioned neighboring fields with excellent grades and a strong interest in conducting research from an interdisciplinary perspective are encouraged to apply. In addition,
Successfully or nearly finished MA or MSc or equivalent degree graduates in Empirical Educational Research or one of the above-mentioned neighboring fields with excellent grades and a strong interest in conducting research from an interdisciplinary perspective are encouraged to apply. In addition,
- Candidates´ prospective PhD research should be relevant to the LEAD Graduate School, i.e., relating to LEAD?s research questions and one of the LEAD intersections;
- Candidates should be prepared to contribute to the mission of excellence of the LEAD Graduate School.
Type of Persons
PhD student
PhD student
Compulsory Attachments
- Curriculum vitae
- Copy of university degree
- High school diploma
- Letter of motivation
- Exposé of doctoral project
University / Organisation advertising the position
Faculty / Institute
LEAD Graduate School on Learning, Educational Achievement and Life Course Development
LEAD Graduate School on Learning, Educational Achievement and Life Course Development
Coordinator / Supervisor of the Doctoral Thesis
Herr Prof. Dr. Ulrich Trautwein
Herr Prof. Dr. Ulrich Trautwein
2 PhD positions in Biology, Medicine, or Philosophy
2 PhD positions in Biology, Medicine, or Philosophy
Job Offer Details
Job Description
The ´Münster Graduate School of Evolution´ (MGSE) offers
2 PhD positions funded by DAAD- stipends for international (non- German) students within the stimulating environment of the University of Münster, Germany.
As an interdisciplinary graduate school, the MGSE uses the unifying concept of evolution to bridge the faculties of biology, medicine, geosciences, mathematics, and philosophy. PhD students work on their diverse disciplinary projects in one of the involved institutes and benefit from interdisciplinary curricular activities as well as a structured supervision and support throughout their PhD.
The MGSE is based in the stimulating city of Münster in a historical building opposite the Münster castle and offers a family friendly and international atmosphere.
You can apply for one or several of the following six projects. Each project involves high-quality research and state-of-the-art techniques and is supervised by excellent researchers.
1) The genetic origin of novel protein coding genes in populations and their evolutionary constraints Prof. Erich Bornberg-Bauer (Research Group Evolutionary Bioinformatics), Prof. Matthias Löwe (Institute of Mathematical Statistics), Prof. Jürgen Gadau (School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University)
2) Immunogenic males: where sex and immunity meet Dr. Claudia Fricke (Research Group Evolution and Sexual Conflict), Dr. Sophie Armitage (Research Group Animal Evolutionary Ecology)
3) The Concept of Disease in Individualized Medicine Prof. Ulrich Krohs (Research Group Philosophy of Science and of Nature)
4) Interactions of animal personality, social environment and immunity Prof. Joachim Kurtz (Research Group Animal Evolutionary Ecology), Dr. Jörn Scharsack (Research Group Animal Evolutionary Ecology), Prof. Norbert Sachser (Department of Behavioural Biology)
5) Functional consequences of evolutionary conservation vs. variability in the influenza virus genome Prof. Stephan Ludwig (Institute of Molecular Virology)
6) Reconstruction of the ancient transcriptome of species Dr. Jürgen Schmitz (Institute of Experimental Pathology), Dr. Francesco Catania (Research Group Evolutionary Cell Biology)
For project descriptions please see:
2 PhD positions funded by DAAD- stipends for international (non- German) students within the stimulating environment of the University of Münster, Germany.
As an interdisciplinary graduate school, the MGSE uses the unifying concept of evolution to bridge the faculties of biology, medicine, geosciences, mathematics, and philosophy. PhD students work on their diverse disciplinary projects in one of the involved institutes and benefit from interdisciplinary curricular activities as well as a structured supervision and support throughout their PhD.
The MGSE is based in the stimulating city of Münster in a historical building opposite the Münster castle and offers a family friendly and international atmosphere.
You can apply for one or several of the following six projects. Each project involves high-quality research and state-of-the-art techniques and is supervised by excellent researchers.
1) The genetic origin of novel protein coding genes in populations and their evolutionary constraints Prof. Erich Bornberg-Bauer (Research Group Evolutionary Bioinformatics), Prof. Matthias Löwe (Institute of Mathematical Statistics), Prof. Jürgen Gadau (School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University)
2) Immunogenic males: where sex and immunity meet Dr. Claudia Fricke (Research Group Evolution and Sexual Conflict), Dr. Sophie Armitage (Research Group Animal Evolutionary Ecology)
3) The Concept of Disease in Individualized Medicine Prof. Ulrich Krohs (Research Group Philosophy of Science and of Nature)
4) Interactions of animal personality, social environment and immunity Prof. Joachim Kurtz (Research Group Animal Evolutionary Ecology), Dr. Jörn Scharsack (Research Group Animal Evolutionary Ecology), Prof. Norbert Sachser (Department of Behavioural Biology)
5) Functional consequences of evolutionary conservation vs. variability in the influenza virus genome Prof. Stephan Ludwig (Institute of Molecular Virology)
6) Reconstruction of the ancient transcriptome of species Dr. Jürgen Schmitz (Institute of Experimental Pathology), Dr. Francesco Catania (Research Group Evolutionary Cell Biology)
For project descriptions please see:
Full Doctorate
Research Stay
Paid position?
36 months
36 months
Working Language
Language of the Doctoral Thesis
Requirements for Applicant
Subject Requirements (Qualification)
Highly qualified and motivated candidates all over the world are invited to submit their application.
- MSc (or an equivalent degree) relevant for the respective project (biology, medicine, mathematics, or philosophy). At the time of application, generally no more than six years should have passed since you gained the last degree.
- Excellent academic record, interest to work interdisciplinary, and motivation to actively participate in the structured PhD program of the MGSE.
- Fluency in spoken and written English (or willingness to take part in a respective course).
- Only international (non-German) applicants can be accepted. At the time of application you should not be living in Germany for more than 15 months.
- Applications from women are particularly encouraged. Handicapped candidates with equivalent qualifications will be given preference.
Application procedure:
You can apply for one or several of the listed projects via the DAAD platform by 1.8.2014. If you want to apply for more than one of the projects, please submit an application for each project separately. From among the applicants, we will shortlist candidates for (Skype) interviews and subsequently nominate 4-8 applicants. From among the nominees, a DAAD committee will select the two scholarship recipients. In case of questions please contact:
Dr. Rebecca Schreiber (MGSE Coordinator)
Telephone: +49-(0)251 / 83-21252
Highly qualified and motivated candidates all over the world are invited to submit their application.
- MSc (or an equivalent degree) relevant for the respective project (biology, medicine, mathematics, or philosophy). At the time of application, generally no more than six years should have passed since you gained the last degree.
- Excellent academic record, interest to work interdisciplinary, and motivation to actively participate in the structured PhD program of the MGSE.
- Fluency in spoken and written English (or willingness to take part in a respective course).
- Only international (non-German) applicants can be accepted. At the time of application you should not be living in Germany for more than 15 months.
- Applications from women are particularly encouraged. Handicapped candidates with equivalent qualifications will be given preference.
Application procedure:
You can apply for one or several of the listed projects via the DAAD platform by 1.8.2014. If you want to apply for more than one of the projects, please submit an application for each project separately. From among the applicants, we will shortlist candidates for (Skype) interviews and subsequently nominate 4-8 applicants. From among the nominees, a DAAD committee will select the two scholarship recipients. In case of questions please contact:
Dr. Rebecca Schreiber (MGSE Coordinator)
Telephone: +49-(0)251 / 83-21252
Type of Persons
PhD student
PhD student
Compulsory Attachments
- Curriculum vitae
- Copy of university degree
- Letter of motivation
University / Organisation advertising the position
Faculty / Institute
Münster Graduate School of Evolution
Münster Graduate School of Evolution
Coordinator / Supervisor of the Doctoral Thesis
Frau Dr. Rebecca Schreiber
Frau Dr. Rebecca Schreiber
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