Plants are the primary basis for human sustenance, used directly for food, clothing and shelter, or indirectly in processed form and through animal feeding. Our crop plants have been raised over millennia, through evolutionary forces and human selection, from their wild ancestors. The genetic diversity – the variation in the molecular building blocks that control expression of individual traits – is at the core of a crop’s ability to continually undergo these changes. The combination of current and historical genetic diversity underpins our potential to adapt crops to the changing needs of farmers and consumers.
FAO strongly supports the sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. In the broadest sense, this encompasses the whole range of actions involved in the conservation, diversification, adaptation, improvement and delivery to farmers through seed systems. Plant breeding acts as bridge between the conservation in genebanks and the seed systems that deliver improved varieties to farmers.
Sustainable use of PGRFA takes into account the wider principles of ecologically, economically and socially sound approaches. These principles address the challenges of meeting basic food needs, generating income for the rural poor, and providing a foundation for protecting the environment. It can involve different technical solutions and actions, such as intensification of production; plant breeding; characterization, evaluation and number of core collections; genetic enhancement and base-broadening; diversification of crop production and broader diversity in crops; development and commercialization of under utilized crops and species; supporting seed production and distribution; and developing new markets for local varieties and "diversity rich'' products. Sustainable use of PGRFA also includes the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the use of PGRFA and agrobiodiversity management through appropriate strategies and participatory involvement of stakeholders.
In 2006, the Global Partnership Initiative for Plant Breeding Capacity Building (GIPB) was launched with the mission of enhancing the capacity of developing countries to imporve crops through better plant breeding and delivery systems. This initiative is contributing to a more comprehensive implementation of the International Treaty on PGRFA and the Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of PGRFA, as well as the Global Crop Diversity Trust.

Seed is one of the most crucial elements in the livelihoods of agricultural communities. It is the repository of the genetic potential of crop species and their varieties resulting from the continuous improvement and selection over time. The potential benefits of seed to crop productivity and food security can be enormous.
In addition, production increases brought about by the use of adapted varieties increases farmers’ income when market linkages exist. Food security is heavily dependent on the seed security of the farming community.
A sustainable seed system will ensure that high quality seeds of a wide range of varieties and crops are produced and fully available in time and affordable to farmers and other stakeholders. However, in many developing countries farmers have not yet been able to fully benefit from the advantages of using quality seed due to a combination of factors, including inefficient seed production, distribution and quality assurance systems, as well as bottlenecks caused by a lack of good seed policy on key issues such as access to credit for inputs. Furthermore, the pressure from the fluctuating food prices and climate change creates additional challenges.
To mitigate the stated constraints, FAO works in a range of areas related to capacity building to enhance seed systems and to facilitate farmers’ access to good quality seed of locally-adapted varieties. These activities include:

- Seed Rules and Regulatory Framework;
- Seed Quality;
- Seed Production and Delivery;
- Seed Security and Rehabilitation.
All the information posted here is from FAO website: http://www.fao.org/agriculture/crops/core-themes/theme/seeds-pgr/conservation/en/
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